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Newspaper articles / article de journal - see below / au-dessous


Yes !!! It was a good surprise to meet someone like you for my English stay with our class!

It's was a success for my students, for teachers and parents!!! I'm very happy and I'm enjoy to know that Nathalie was glad of our work together !!! I'm so grateful of your work for all, I know what it does represent. Keep shining bright. It was a rainbow in my education way....thanks for all a lot, I hope to see you again. 

Muriel ... Ecole de Ste Foy de Peyrolleres

Thank you, it was nice for us all to meet you "Terry".  My children are so happy and will remember for a long time what they have learned with you.  Again a big thank you and they are ready for a new showtime ...

See you soon, François et sa famille

Hello Terry! Thank your very much for this week with you, it was really wonderful!!!

The children made a great show!!! Hope to see you soon in one of your shows soon.

Anne (Ecole de  Lanta)

Bravo pour cette super initiative, qui mériterait d'être généralisée ! Proposer d'apprendre l'anglais en s'amusant et par l'oral, c'est top pour les plus jeunes qui vont nécessairement prendre goût à apprendre la langue ... (reader comment - Republique newpaper  - 19 Mars 18)


All the children enjoyed their wonderful week and they don't stop speaking about it.

Have a good day and don't forget to say "Hello" to your great team.

Fabienne ... Ecole de Salvetat Saint Gilles CM2

I hope that your projects in other schools happen as well as Pinsaguel ! 

Children have really loved this experience, surely the best of their tuition!

See you soon ? !

Céline ... Ecole de Pinsaguel (31)

C'était vraiment génial !

Les enfants. Les parents. Les enseignantes. Tout le monde a a-do-ré ! Moments inoubliables !

Il me tarde l'année prochaine pour y retourner... Et j'espère que ce sera toujours avec Terry! Il a un enthousiasme très contagieux! Quelle bienveillance, quelle énergie....Un sacré personnage! Et pas de temps mort! (rien à voir avec il y a 2 ans)

A la fin, les enfants lui ont écrit une petite chanson.... en anglais! Pour le remercier lue !

Merci beaucoup à toutes pour ces beaux projets! Ça nous(re)gonfle à bloc!

See you very soon

Francoise ... Ecole de Quint Fongrives

Just wanted to say thank you for your fantastic work and the wonderful experience you give to the pupils.
Tous les bilans sont unanimes; comme l'an passé et j'aimerais partager certains retours avec vous. Vous faîtes un travail incroyable et, nous en avons conscience, pas rémunéré à la hauteur de votre investissement. En tout cas, j'ai beaucoup de plaisir à vous retrouver à chaque fois et suis admirative lorsque je retrouve les élèves qui ont confiance en eux, plaisir à rencontrer des anglophones et à parler anglais.
Les spectacles après votre séjour en immersion sont fantastiques.
Nathalie ... Toulouse

Merci pour ce joli spectacle et toute votre énergie! !! Les enfants sont contents et garderont un super souvenir!!!

D excellents retours des familles!!!

Merci encore et reposez vous bien!!!

A bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures!

Laurence - Saint Dominique - Pau

Hello Terry, Thanks again for all ! It was great !! Enjoy your break, See you soon.

Anne-Laure - Ste Elisabeth - St Pé de Bigorre

Cheers Terry from Inès and Vincent.

Thanks again for your appreciated dynamism, creativity & BIG show coordination for les petits Salvetains !

Take care,

Vincent - Salvetat CM1

A little memory of your visit to our Village. Thanks a lot.

Congratulations to you and Nathalie for what you did for the kids.

They were very happy.  👍. Beautiful memory 😉.  (a mother of three children)

There are far too many messages from teachers, and some from parents, to put them all here ... and of course the messages continue, especially during the confinement and in response to my videos.
I can't thank the teachers and kids for all the heartfelt written letters, the photos and the, wonderful videos.


Thanks Terry, you make me laugh every time. I love this video.

I'm so busy since school has opened.

I use your videos in school or in virtual class, it's always a pleasure.

I really want to thank you to help me to animate my lessons.

And I will not stop you :-)

See you soon, Déborah

Hello Terry,

I hope you are well as well as your wife.

A huge thank you for your videos !!

The kids loved them :)

They made lots of Anzac biscuits!

And the dance and fitness videos were very successful too!

Thanks again !

Here are a few words from my students to thank you for all that you have been willing to do !!

Hello Terry

It's always a pleasure to see you in videos.

I love your choreographies. I will try tu use them in virtual class.

I'm very happy for you that' the students give you news et gifts. You are on top !

I don't know if my pupil give you the photo in attachment (banana cake).

Le Petit Journal - 6 Mars 2018
La Nouvelle Republique - 19 Mars 2018
Le Petit Journal - 22 Juin 2018
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 Et quelques-unes des nombreuses lettres des jeunes ...

And some of the many letters from the young people ...

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